Confidentiality Policy

General Rules

Pitchilune sprl, headquartered in Rue Lossignol, 36 B-1401 Baulers, registered with the ECB under the number BE 0701.899.423 is responsible for processing your personal data on the site accessible at the address

We treat your data confidentially in accordance with national and international provisions, including the Belgian Law of 8 December 1992, relating to the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data, such as adapted by the law of 11 December 1998 and 'the law of 13 June 2005 relating to electronic communications' as well as the European Regulation 2016/679, better known as GDPR (or RGPD).

A statement has been filed with the Privacy Commission regarding the handling of your personal data.

Personal Data Collected

The data you give us

In the app: your email.

During the ordering process: your name and billing and delivery details.

When you contact us by email or phone: your email, your name or your contact information.

We may therefore ask you for certain information in order to be able to respond effectively to your request or to be able to verify the relevance of the information in our possession. The legal basis for processing this data is, depending on the case: the execution of the contract that binds us, our legitimate interests as a company and, if so, the explicit consent you give us for the processing of your data of a nature. personal.

Data that is automatically collected

We can place cookies on your computer, tablet or smartphone. These cookies help us remember your preferences when using our website. For more information, we refer to our cookie policy (see below). Some data can be collected without being stored through cookies. This data is only available at email address It is: 1. TCP/IP address  - 2. The type and version of your navigation system - 3. the last web page visited.

Data usage purposes

General Goals

We collect your personal data for:

  • Execute your order and manage our customer file
  • Collect anonymous visitor statistics
  • Direct marketing
  • Administer the technical aspect of the website
  • After ensuring that the data is anonymous, establish statistics or conduct surveys of the amount of visits to different parts of the website.

Direct marketing and third-party communication

Your personal data remains strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to third parties or used for direct marketing purposes other than for Pitchilune sprl. (unless we have received your "opt-in" expressly and prior upon registration.)

Serious violations

We will be able to transmit user data at the request of the Justice in case of serious violations of the rules of conduct.

Data retention time

All personal data is kept for the entire period necessary to achieve the objectives described above.

Right of access and correction of data

You have the right to view your personal data free of charge at any time, to correct or modify it, by sending us an email via our contact form or a letter to the address in Article 1 of these Protection Rules Privacy. Always attach a copy of your ID so we can verify your identity.

You are completely free not to give us your personal data. However, you should be aware that some services may be denied to you if you do not. We also draw your attention to the fact that you are then held solely responsible for the accuracy of the data you transmit to us.

Right to challenge

You can exercise your right to challenge in the processing of your personal data, if you believe that there are serious and legitimate reasons, by joining us via our contact form. However, you cannot object to the processing of your personal data if it is necessary for the tracking and processing of your order.

Security and confidentiality

We have developed technically and organisationally appropriate safety rules to prevent destruction, loss, tampering, modification, prohibited access, mistaken communication to third parties and other non-treatment. personal data collected. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from improper or illegitimate manipulation by third parties on personal data.

We would like to point out that links to the website may contain hyperlinks and other references to other sites that we do not manage or control and to which these Privacy Protection Rules are not applicable. We are not responsible for the content of these websites or the offers, products and services offered by them. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy rules of each site you visit, as these rules may differ from these Privacy Protection Rules


Our use of Cookies

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to distinguish your usage preferences from that of other users of our website. This helps us to offer you a better experience during your visit to our website and allows us to optimize it.

Cookies and similar technologies, however, do not allow us to systematically collect data that could identify you. They only help us improve the operation of our website, understand your interests and assess the relevance of the content of our website.

Due to recent changes in legislation, all websites that operate in certain parts of the European Union are required to obtain your consent to use or store cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. The purpose of this cookie policy is to give you as clear and complete information as possible about the cookies we use and their purpose. We also invite you to read our Privacy Policy (see above) to learn about the privacy rules that apply on our website.

For more information on our cookie policy, please contact us via our contact form.

What is a cookie?

A "cookie" is a small file made up of letters and numbers stored in your browser or on your computer's hard drive. So we can remember your preferences when using our website. Unless you have chosen not to accept cookies in your browser settings, our system will place cookies automatically when you visit our site.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be subdivided into categories based on their origin, function and lifespan.

First party cookies: are placed by the domain name of the site you visit (e.g.

Third-party cookies: are placed by a different domain name than that of the website you visit. If you visit a website and a third party places a cookie on your computer via that website, then it's a third-party cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Google, Twitter and Facebook).

Functional cookies: ensure the proper functioning of the website (e.g. login cookies, registration cookies, language preferences). Functional cookies are first party cookies.

Non-functional cookies: are placed on the website for statistical, social, targeting or commercial purposes. Cookies placed for statistical purposes allow you to check which pages of the website are visited, locate the computer, etc. Cookies placed for social purposes allow users to share the content of the website visited on social networks. Cookies with a targeting purpose allow users to profile on the basis of their browsing behavior, so that they are shown advertisements tailored to their interests. Cookies with business objectives record how often and what advertisements are shown to a user. Non-functional cookies can be first party or third party cookies.

Permanent Cookies: Stay on your hard drive for a long time determined by the cookie or until you erase them. They are activated every time you visit the website that placed this cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Twitter or Facebook). Permanent cookies are generally non-functional.

Session Cookies: Make it easier to manipulate the user and connect them to each other during a browsing session. A browsing session begins when the user opens the browser screen and ends when it closes that browser screen. Session cookies are temporary. As soon as you close your browser, all session cookies are removed. Session cookies are generally functional.

Your consent

By visiting our site, you accept the use of cookies. The acceptance of certain cookies is essential for an optimal visit to our site. You can block cookies by activating the browser setting that allows cookies to be stored. However, if you use your browser settings to block these cookies, you probably won't be able to access (some parts of) our website. Read this Cookie Policy carefully for more information.

If you want to change your consent at any time, you should delete cookies using your browser settings. For more information on deleting or blocking cookies, visit the website


On your first visit to our website, we ask you to consent to the use of cookies. You are free to accept or refuse cookies but be aware that a refusal could make your browsing on our website less user-friendly or impossible if they are functional cookies.

Whatever you choose, you can always change your choice by clicking on the "Cookies" hyperlink at the bottom of each page of our website.

Change your browser settings

We draw your attention to the fact that your browser settings also allow you to change cookie acceptance settings. These settings are usually accessible through your browser's "option" or "preferences" menu. To better understand these settings, we invite you to check out the following links or refer to your browser's "help" tab:

More information about cookies

The website provides you with more details about how cookies work.

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) grouping digital marketeers has published various useful information and advice on behavioural advertising and privacy on

Which cookies use the site

Functional cookies






Keeping information for navigation

1 hour

Non-functional cookies






Google Analytics - Tracking cookie

2 years


Google Analytics - Tracking cookie

10 minutes

For cookies placed by third parties (e.g. Google Analytics), please view the statements these parties have placed on their respective websites (see hyperlinks above). Please note that we cannot influence the content of these statements or the content of the cookies of these third parties.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These Privacy Protection Rules are governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with Belgian law, the only applicable law in the event of a dispute. The Courts of the borough of Nivelles are exclusively competent for any dispute that might arise from the interpretation or enforcement of these Privacy Protection Rules.


By using the website, you agree on all the terms of these Privacy Protection Rules and you agree that Pitchilune sprl collects your personal data in order to process it in accordance with these Rules of Privacy Privacy protection.

Last adapted on October 1, 2019

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